Day 15: Writing with Style. My style.

I like to think that my writing style is straight forward.  In truth some people might actually think it's blunt.  But that's me so there you go.

Yes, words flow from my mind to my fingertips to the keyboard.  Sometimes for a complicated post I hand write it first.  I've used one book so far that I like very much, Writing the Natural Way by Gabriele Lusser Rico. She uses a technique called "clustering" that I find very helpful for organizing complicated topics.

I guess I do plan my posts.  Whenever I have an idea I quickly create a draft post with the gist of it or maybe just the link that inspired it and a title that I hope will help me identify it later.  Because right now I have about 150 draft posts for this blog.  So far I have never had any problems with writer's block.  That's probably because I don't usually write unless I want to; these writer's month challenges are the only times I've ever forced myself to write.  Up until this month I've never made it past Day 7 on a monthly challenge.

Like I said, I slap a title on the draft post immediately to help me identify the post quickly.  The actual title usually comes to me by the middle to the end of the post.  Finding a catchy title is in the back of my mind until I have one.  I admit I don't always find one.  That's a hard part for me.

I write best in the recliner with my laptop.

I just went through all of the pictures on WEGO's HAWMC Pinterest page.  It has pictures with links to blog posts and articles about writing.  I was expecting to slam them all in general with some pithy remark like 'I don't write with rules,' but instead I bookmarked and re-pinned most of them as they seem like they could be very useful.  I guess I got an incorrect impression from skimming that page in the past.  I've included one of the pictures below.  It links to the blog that it originally came from, Copy Blogger, who was kind enough to allow others to re-post his work.

I haven't tried to make my blog "successful" or "highly effective" like Darren Rowse or Leo Babauta or Brian Clark of Copy Blogger above and below, to name a few biggies who also write a lot about how they do what they do so that others who want what they have (a blog that makes a good living for them) can give it their best shot.  And I don't know that I ever will.  But it's good to know that the help is out there if I ever do decide to go in that direction.  I would like to have more regular readers and people who comment... and I would like for my blog to be as effective and helpful as possible.  Food for thought, for sure.
22 Ways to Create Compelling Content - Infographic
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  1. I just wanted to say how awesome it is that you're doing this! Mazel tov! And keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks, Aviva! Next blog post will explain why I suddenly dropped out... "the straw that broke the camel's back."


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