Day 14: My Dream Day - at the beach

I'm late with this post; just couldn't seem to get it out yesterday, but I did a lot of other stuff.  Then I was going to quit the challenge all together but the weekly HAWMC email from WEGO came today and I was inspired to continue.  I was also reminded that I still have two "Get out of post free" days that I can use.  But I liked what I thought of for yesterday's post so much that I'm going to go ahead and do it quickly.

My dream day is going to the beach. Nothing too fancy, just going to a nice white sand beach to take advantage of the therapeutic benefits of being there.  I would take someone with me who would enjoy it like I do.  My sister and niece come to mind.

I'd have comfortable lounge chairs, shade available if we got too hot and needed a break from the sun, good beach food like fresh fruit smoothies, and rafts for lounging in the water and just going with the flow of the tide and waves.

Here's the part of the challenge that really got me thinking:

What obstacles prevent you from enjoying your dream day? How important is achieving such a day?

Before reading the passage above and giving it a little thought, it had never occurred to me that I could have a day at the beach.  The fact is that I can get to a very nice beach in an hour and a half.  I would need help with the driving, but it's doable! Considering how much I love the beach and how therapeutic it is for me, achieving such a day is now on my list of Very Important Things To Do.
I have had this day before, as you can see from the pictures below taken by yours truly at Indian Rocks Beach in Florida, 2003.


  1. Hi there. I wrote about going to my cottage which we really do frequently during the summer.
    I just subscribed to your email feed and I really will cheer out loud when I read a post that you made it to the beach! If I am lucky I will be reading it on my iPhone while I am at the water too.
    I identify with your feeling a bit burned out with the daily blogging. phewww more work that I thought it would be.


    1. Thanks so much for the empathy and encouragement, Linda! I will be sure to do a post when I make it to the beach for the first time this summer, which I will. I've already talked to my sister about it. I will also be posting soon about why I'm not posting every day now... "the straw that broke the camel's back." You have some beautiful blogs and I'm going to be sure to check them out thoroughly!


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