World Diabetes Day and my second appointment at the FFC, Part 1

Great Scott! Charlie Brown, not diabetes too!!!???***###


No, but I might have PRE-diabetes. Dr. Cuddapah at the FFC has prescribed a half-dosage of Metformin for me because my triglycerides are high, my HDL is at the lowest of the acceptable range, I'm overweight and I'm old(er). After doing my follow-up research I see that no one recommends medication on the POSSIBILITY of pre-diabetes. You have to take one of two tests to get a glucose level before you can be properly diagnosed. And of course the medication has it's own side effects which I would just as soon avoid... so I'm going to ask the doc about getting properly diagnosed before starting meds and if I'm not actually pre-diabetic I'll suggest using diet and exercise to control the situation for now. Of course my first course of specially-formulated-for-me Metformin has already been ordered from the FFC's compounding pharmacy, and paid for. Ugh. Why is everything so difficult? Or as two members of my family would ask: Why do I have to be so difficult, why can't I just do what my doctor says like some mindless automaton?

This article gives a nice summary of the situation: Too Few Americans Aware of 'Pre-Diabetes'.

If you are so inspired, please sign the petition to ask Google to light a blue Doodle on World Diabetes Day, November 14 -


  1. I was pre-diabetic for over 5 years, and no-one suggested medication at that stage. I am now on Metformin 1 tablet per day, and although my sugar is a bit high it is controlled.

  2. Sherril,

    I just signed the petition and I will be posting about World Diabetes Day later this week. (I'm blogging ahead & I already have posts scheduled through Friday now).

    My mom has Type II diabetes.

    Best of luck getting clarification on exactly where you're at...


  3. David, the premise behind treating pre-diabetes seems to be that sometimes actual diabetes can be better controlled and even prevented.

    Jeanne, thanks! I guess you already know a lot about the Big D (I used to think that meant Dallas).


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