What am I grateful for? Photojojo and colors and quilts!

From the 11/25/08 issue of the Photojojo newsletter (my inspiration for this blog post):

"What Are You Grateful For?"

Thursday is Thanksgiving here in the US of A.

It’s our favorite holiday because it involves:

  1. Hanging out with people you like,
  2. eating yourself stupid, and
  3. falling asleep on the couch in the middle of the afternoon.

Some friends of ours host Thanksgiving for all their pals who aren’t going home for the holiday. When they sit down to eat, instead of saying grace, everyone at the table says one thing they’re thankful for.

Now that’s a tradition we can get behind. We don’t usually think about the things we’re grateful for, but today’s a good day to start.

This week, take some pictures of the things that make you thankful, whether it’s the big stuff:

  • your friends
  • your spark of creativity
  • being able to see well enough take photos

or the little stuff:

  • warm socks on a cold night
  • the first cup of coffee in the morning
  • that album that always makes you feel better when you’re in a bad mood

The next time somebody tells you to count your blessings, just whip out your photos and say, “I’m way ahead of you, buddy.”

What Are You Grateful For?
Post your photos of the things that make you glad.

The 52 Blessings Project
Take a photo each week of something you’re grateful for.

Besides Photojojo, I'm grateful for colors and textile arts. As in quilts. And for the quilters. So far I'm just an appreciator of quilts. Someday maybe I'll be well enough to quilt, at least by machine. Today I'm making that a Wellness Goal. (I've found this is a good thing to do, setting Wellness Goals. This way I can see how far I've come. After I had outpatient laparoscopic surgery to remove the endometrioma on my left ovary, my goal was to be able to sit through a movie in a theater. It was years, but I can do it now without much thinking about it.)

Anyway, here are some of my Thanksgiving-ish favorites.

"Giving Thanks" by Kristin Miller of the Patchwork and Art Quilts blog.

It's difficult to capture the texture of a quilt in a photograph, but I think this Amish Country Quilts site does it best. Here's a sample of how they do it:

And I just love this picture from Sew Create It blog by Jane Weston, of a machine quilt in the making.

This excerpt from "The Quilters" by Patricia J. Cooper (Author), and Norma Bradley Allen (Author) always makes me thankful for just what I've got:
Sometimes you don't have no control over the way things go.

Hail ruins the crops, or fire burns you out.

And then you're just given so much to work with in a

life and you have to do the best you can with what you got.

That's what piecing is. The materials passed on to you or is all you can afford to buy...

Your fate. But the way you put them together is your business.

You can put them in any order you like.

By Mary White as told to the authors of "The Quilters: Women and Domestic Art: An Oral History, page 20


  1. hi Sherril!

    Quilting is one of the things I miss most from before my mystery illness. I still visit my fabric stash sometimes, but between my lack of dexterity from joint pain in my hands and my fatigue, I just do it these days.

    But I know that someday I will quilt again, and that will be when I know I'm really on the road to recovery.

    If you want to see some of the quilts I've made (although the most recent quilts never got put on the site), you can see them at http://members.ipns.com/szott/quilting.htm (only works with IE).


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