My apologies! I accidentally put two unfinished posts on sleep up...

I was cleaning out my drafts - or trying to anyway - as of right now there are 121 of them! And I accidentally posted two unfinished drafts on sleep. Then I went out of town for a few days and didn't even know it until a couple of days ago. So now I'm just polishing up the longer one, which will be the final post on my sleep study and it should be up for real soon.

RE: the fact that after cleaning out my drafts I still have 121 of them, I don't know what to tell you. I'm going to try to stop adding new drafts every time I have an idea, and get the existing drafts down to a reasonable number like say, 15 or so. I can't imagine that I'll ever have writer's block. My problem seems to be more like diarrhea of the written word. That can be a problem too. I lose my focus on the purpose of this blog.

So here's to getting organized!


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