Explanation Of Benefits Project by The Happy Hospitalist

In light of my current situation (details later), this post seemed appropriate.

I've been twittering and blog hopping this happy doc for a few weeks. He has lots of interesting things to say, he's funny, he obviously likes his dogs and he's working on this project that I'm starting to submit my EOB data to.

So send him your humbled benefits...

"None of your personal information will ever be divulged should you wish to share your medical expenses with the world, to let them know how much you are paying. Should others like this idea, it could provide a spring board to competition and cost control. Who knows. We'll see where this goes. If nothing more than just pure curiosity."

From Dr. Happy's blog:

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Explanation Of Benefits

Do something good for others. I doesn't get any easier than this. The next time you go to the docs office, get lab drawn, get an xray or go to the hospital, save your benefit form from your insurance company, or your receipt if you pay cash and spend five minutes typing it into this program here made for me by Deborah Peel. I want to know how much you are paying for your health care. You may just help someone get a break on their bill. So type in your info and go to my sister blog: Explanation of Benefits. You can even see how much I'm paying for everything.

I've been forgetting to post the pretty food pictures to keep in line with the Nablopomo theme for July of FOOD. Here's a good one, as usual from Bee Green Foods of Albany, GA. Check 'em out on Myspace.

Be-u-ti-ful Salad, and you can actually eat it too!


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