My View on "The View" and Elisabeth Hasselbeck on ABC

I just submitted this comment to ABC RE: The View and Elisabeth Hasselbeck:
I am finding Elizabeth so annoying and rude that I have to mute the TV while she is "sharing" her views. More like she's stuffing them down everyone's throat. The way she walks all over others who do not share her opinion is just downright rude. She interrupts and tries to talk louder than others as if that will make her point. I would really like to be able to watch all of these ladies having respectful discourse. Elizabeth is just ruining the whole experience for me. Can someone not tell her to put a sock in it?

Thank you.

On the website her bio says "In November 2003, Elisabeth Hasselbeck was selected out of hundreds of contenders to permanently fill a vacant co-host chair on ABC's The View. Unafraid to express her candid and conservative views, Mrs. Hasselbeck has proven herself as a woman who will not let her voice be compromised."

Unafraid and uncompromised. What a nice way to say she's a verbal bully. She didn't used to be like that. The whole thing with Rosie O'Donnell seems to have changed her permanently. And not in a good way. Conservative is not necessarily synonymous with obnoxious.

I'm not the only one who feels this way. I swear when Nancy Pelosi was on she cringed at Elisabeth's first words. All of the co-hosts seem aggravated when she walks on their efforts to share their views. Except for Barbara. She doesn't do it to Barbara.


  1. Sherril's Mom's View:
    I only watch "The View" when walking trhough the room where it is playing, BUT, since Elizabeth is outnumbered 3 (or is it 4) to 1, I'd give her a little leeway. I don't like the loud, obnoxious type discourse either.

  2. Ah but we have Sherrie now, the newest addition to the show. She was raised as a Jehovah's Witness and I think she qualifies as conservative.

    I also think that everyone else is engaging in respectful discourse: Generally speaking, not interrupting until the person speaking has finished their thought, considering what the others are saying instead of rejecting it before the point has even been made, etc.

    Thanks for sharing Your View, Mom!

  3. What is with Elizabeth's hair these days. It is very unattractive and does not goe with her preppy republican look.


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