Chronic Saturday: Reaction of a "SiCKO" to the movie "SiCKO"

I just recently watched the movie SiCKO. It really hit home with me, and not in a good way. My first reaction was disgust in and embarrassment over our health care system in America. I mean, I was so upset I had to turn the movie off and wait a day to finish watching it. Then my reaction was desperation: "I've got to move. Canada's closer, but France (could I tolerate their rudeness to Americans?)... whoa, their health care system is awesome." Desperation because I'm one of the millions in America who are unable to work and waiting for our request for SSDI to be approved while our health continues to deteriorate. Realistically speaking, I'm not going anywhere. I did end on a more positive note, by resolving to get involved and help in the work to improve our American health care system.

This might be a good place to start:

"Acclaimed filmmaker Michael Moore's new documentary sets out to investigate the American healthcare system. Michael wants YouTube members to share your Healthcare Horror Stories and tell us about an experience you had with your healthcare insurance company. This is the group where you can post your videos to share with Michael, who will be screening them and sharing them with Congress."

Visit the YouTube SiCKO group at to learn more and upload your story!

Check the Facts

Ending on a lighter note - "The Health Insurance Song" by funnyjones


  1. Replies
    1. You're welcome! MM doesn't seem to be doing the Sicko video stories anymore, but the rest of it seems appropriate for what's going on today in the healthcare arena - the whole government has shut down today over Obama's healthcare plan.


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