Clear Your Clutter, Clear Your Mind

Photo courtesy of Healing Environments.

I have been working on figuring out how to clear the clutter from my home, including the garage, for quite awhile now. You've probably heard about it. It's all over - not my clutter problem specifically, but that we as Americans have a clutter problem. A big one. Here are some excellent resources, if you're interested in studying up on it:

From zenhabits blog, Zen Mind: How to Declutter. There are more good links at the end of that post.

My other favorite is Organizational guru Peter Walsh, host of TLC's hit show Clean Sweep (ladies, why is it that my favorites are MEN? All the men in my life have just wanted me to clean up after them) who I saw on Oprah:

High Speed, Low Level Clutter Purge

Conquering Clutter One Room at a Time

On top of the general problem, people with chronic illness have an even harder time keeping their clutter clear, simply because we don't feel well enough to do much of anything. Some resources just for us:

Healing Environments Lord knows I wish I could afford to have them come in and create a healing environment for me. They do have lots of pictures and sources to give us some ideas so we can create our own healing space.

Getting the Most From Limited Engergy and Illness and Housekeeping are full of excellent ideas.

The FlyLady works for some, and there are excellent groups for people with fibro who want to fly, like Flying With Fibro.

So I've been trying to get my house mate to declutter the garage with me, ever since I saw the Peter Walsh Way on Oprah. So far we haven't done it, but I'm still trying.

The Garage Before

The Garage After

I've been thinking that when we DO get it done, we will probably still has a lot of stuff that we want to keep, that it would be nice to have some shelving units or something for it. So today I was looking at the PayPerPost (PPP) opportunities that I qualify for, and I saw what looks like dream cabinet and storage units for the garage at garage cabinets.

Aside: This is my first attempt at a PPP blog post. I'm not going to try and sneak it into my post like you, my extremely intelligent readers, wouldn't notice. And I promise you I'll never do that. What I am going to do is tell you that I'm going to come right out and say that I'm trying this out, that I have not tried the products themselves or actually even seen any more of them than the pictures. I'm just thinking (dreaming?) and blogging that some of these things would make our garage really cool... and it would be nice to just order it all up and not have to worry about what "other parts" are needed to make it functional i.e. not to have to wander all over Home Depot trying to figure out what else I need and where it is... and I'll also note that Car Guy Garage order form has a neat thingee where you can find out the shipping cost just by putting in the item(s) and your zip code.

These items would make my dream garage come true:

Diamond Plate Helmet Shelving for all of my nephew's boots and shoes, etc.

Ball Storage for aforementioned nephew's soccer balls.

Garden Tool Storage for those rakes that constantly attack me as I'm getting out of the car...

Diamond Plate Garage Shelving for all my boxes of clothes that I have to save because I change sizes so often (thank you, prescription meds).

Metal Pegboards

Tool Rack

Can Storage

Wall Basket

Wall Tool Bins

All items can be found under the same titles I used, at Car Guy Garage, Inc.


  1. I used to get upset of seeing clutter in my bedroom. Last week I called a professional team to organize everything as that was just impossible to arrange myself.

    Office Organizer Services

    1. That's great! Did it cost an awful lot? I'd love to hear more about it if you feel like writing about it.


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