Chronic Monday: My Sacred Life

Everyday life is the prayer.
How we conduct it, cherish it,
celebrate it, consecrate it.
~Sarah Ban Breathnach
Well I have much more planned for this Thanksgiving week post, but I am running behind in preparing to leave for Florida. My family is there and I go every Thanksgiving. So this is but a fraction of what I have planned; in case the laptop doesn't connect when we get to the hotel, or whatever!
I'm finding all kinds of great new sites in my research on the healing power of art. zena musings: Creativity, Wisdom, Guts & Laziness ~ by Carla Blazek is just one of them. And this is where I read about the My Sacred Life 30 Day Project.
"Sacred Lifeisn't really a challenge -- that sounds too strenuous -- it's really more of a softening ... into a moment, a treasured possession, a companion -- people, parts and places of your everyday life that you cherish. Whatever is sacred to you."
Which is good. I had enough of challenge with my seven days of NaBloPoMo. I'm going to try this, and I will start with the 30 day personal journey, like Zena did.
"Anyone is welcome to join at any time, with any frequency and for however long you'd like to play!"No pressure! Then maybe I'll graduate to Sacred Life Sundays...

So now you know what I did all day instead of packing.
The Journey
Leap of Faith

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