One of THOSE people

There's an excellent collection of posts at Grand Rounds (the best of the medical blogosphere, weekly), Vol 4, No 42 - The Seinfeld Edition

One post in particular touched me, probably because I am also one of THOSE people. Oh yeah, and because this lady is dying and our country can't figure out a way to take care of her while she is still with us. From The Cushing's Disease Journey, Not Dead Yet:
It is too bad my last extension of COBRA insurance ran out in May. I finished testing to prove that the recurrence (or never-cured) remains to be dealt with. *POOF* Endgame. Uninsurable. High risk insurance pool only covers 70k. My pituitary can poop bigger than 70k!

Now I am one of those people. The uninsured. The chronically ill. The unemployed and too apathetic to bother hiring a lawyer to go after my 5+ years off work with Social Security.

Apathy. Yes apathetic, I think that is where I am.
On a lighter note, also from this volume of Grand Rounds - did you ever see Elaine dance?


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