Health Info Island on Second Life

Well, here it is November 1, the beginning of NaBloPoMo. And here I go making an attempt to post every day this month. Should be interesting, especially considering the holiday and the fact that I'll be in Florida for a week. We'll see how it goes.

I found this slide show on the Second Life Health Info Island page, which is a part of the Second Life Library 2.0 site.

Consumer Health Information Gets a Second LIfe

From: CarolPerryman, 6 months ago

"Second Life is a three-dimensional virtual world that has received enormous amounts of press over the last year. In a grant-funded project, a consumer health library has been created in Second Life to provide reference and consumer health support to Second Life residents. Carol Perryman is the virtual world`s first consumer health librarian. This presentation will provide an overview of the grant-funded initiative, including challenges encountered in creating a consumer health library. Comparisons between RL (Real Life) and SL (Second Life) consumer health collection development, reference services and collaborative partnerships are made, accompanied by an overview of the project plans and progress to date."

SlideShare Link

Being a great afficianado of real life libraries, I think I'd better get on into SL and check this out! I'll report back anything worth reporting - TaTa for now!


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