Please ask Facebook to remove the "Fibromyalgia is BULLSHIT" page

Here's the Fibromyalgia is BULLSHIT Facebook page.  It has a whopping 113 people who "like" it.

Those of us who are active on Facebook know that there are many FB groups (over 500) and pages (407 as of the publication of this post) that advocate support, a cure, all kinds of positive things, for FM.  There are tens of thousands of people who belong to these groups or who "like" these pages. 

In spite of the fact that we outnumber this dinky little page by far, I think it needs to be removed because it contains hate speech and it targets people with a disease, people who often also have a disability.  Would FB tolerate a hate page called "Cancer is BULLSHIT?"  It's hard to even wrap your mind around the concept, isn't it?

If you feel so called, please join me in asking FB to remove this page.

Here are easy instructions:
  1. Go to the page by clicking here.
  2. Go to the bottom of the sidebar on the left side of the page, where it says "Report Page" and click.
  3. Under “This Appears to Be,” click "Contains hate speech or attacks an individual."
  4. Under “Choose a Type,” click “Targets People With a Disability or Disease.”
Pages can now be reported multiple times, so repeat the above to your heart’s content.

    Please spread the word to your family, friends, and acquaintances.

    THANK YOU! ☺


    1. Good News: Looks like it may already be gone as I was sent to my FB home page when I clicked on that link.

    2. Hi Pamela,

      I wish! It's still there when I click on the link. I put a comment up on the FM is B******T page, with a link to this blog post.

      Thanks for commenting!

    3. I've reported it over a hundred times, and I messaged over 200 fibro groups with no result. Where is the real solution?

    4. Hi.
      It won't let me report it. I click on the right places, but then when I submit it just pops up again. Hmmm

      Thanks for your hard work.

    5. I'm going to do a follow up post next week probably, with some other opinions that might shed some light. Thanks for commenting, and thanks for your efforts.

    6. Thank You for bringing this to the public's attention. Will post on my FB wall for all to see and share an try to remove this.

    7. Is there anyway to get this tied in with all the cyber-BULLYING hype that is going on right now? Cause that is what he is, and supposedly FB was supposed to crack down on that sort of thing. Maybe contact local news media and attorney general offices around the country. That maybe the only way to get FB to pay attention, we all know they like to be controversial! And that is probably what is fueling them ignoring everyone.

    8. Thank you! I have reported it 3 times already today, and will contiune to do so until it disappears :)

    9. Thank you for helping and for commenting, all of you Anonymous posters. Anonymous on 11/4 at 8:32 pm - that might be a good idea but I also think there's a possibility that this tactic may add fuel to the flame, so to speak - as in attracting more people who agree with the guy that started the group.

    10. I think peple need to resist the urge to "like" this page just to comment to this idiot. He will immediately block you and make it impossible to unlike the page. And that is how he is getting followers, and FB is keeping him!

    11. He has another group up now that his last group was banned. Please, everyone, we must all work together and ban this insanity:
      STOP "Remove Fibromyalgia is B U L L S #% T" Page From FB"

      We need to make him realize that words really do hurt.

    12. Just wanted to let you ladies and gentlemen know that i was ablt to get matthew houts to remove his page with a little nudge. I found where he works. if he attempts another page. i will report him to his job.

      1. houts is a cancer. I would love to know where he works. He has some kind of sick fascination with me. Started pages with my pictures and seems to enjoy putting up lies about me even though i blocked him. I did however find his family and told them to tell him to back off or I would get ugly. He made fun of that but it worked. No wonder he cant go to reunions.

    13. You might have to nudge him again...he's back. Looks like he started the new page around Jan. 18th...and the most recent post is from yesterday.

      1. Thanks but I don't want to play this game anymore.


    14. Although I don't agree with that page, I do find it ironic that you have a link to "Blue Ribbon Free Speech Online Campaign" while trying to shut down that Facebook page. The essence of free speech is that we have to tolerate opinions that we do not agree with--even when they are wrong. So others are threatening to report people to their job because of their page, while you allegedly want to "stop internet censorship." Seems a little hypocritical to me.

      1. You didn't read this blog post very well, or you just didn't get it. In my opinion you're comparing apples to oranges. But you're most certainly allowed the freedom to express you opinion on my blog, as long as it's on topic and you do it in a nice way. The ICIE is, after all, not a democracy. It's my little kingdom and what I say goes.

        Thanks for commenting,


    15. I am a certified hypnotherapist. I trained to treat fibromyalgia using hypnotherapy. I have worked with several FMS clients who have had great success.

      Here are a few things I have discovered about FMS "sufferers"

      1. Hypnotherapy works to alleviate almost all FMS symptoms.

      2. Most FMS sufferers will stop attending hypnotherapy when their symptoms start to go away.

      3. Even if offered for free, FMS sufferers will discontinue treatment that works.

      4. Most FMS sufferers believe that if the person trying to treat them does not also suffer from FMS...then the treatment is "no good."

      5. I can offer free sessions over the phone right now to FMS sufferers and almost to a person no one will accept them. Instead of any independent investigation they will engage in name calling and bring up uninformed and factually wrong information about hypnosis. Hypnosis is used now at almost all major medical centers to alleviate chronic pain and chronic pain syndromes.

      6. CBT is a proven primary effective therapy for FMS sufferers which means that the it is primarily a cognitive syndrome, not a medical syndrome.

      7. FMS sufferers will become enraged that I have said any of this despite the fact that I have done nothing but seek to help people.

      8. The evidence I have seen shows that FMS sufferers don't really want to get rid of their symptoms and secondary gain issues are prevalent with this disorder.

      9. Because I have been able to help people overcome ALL of their symptoms using just hypnotherapy...I have to say yes...FMS is primarily in the heads of FMS sufferers.

      10. Again....instead of asking "How does hypnosis work" or "How can I get a session or two for free"...FMS sufferers will respond to my comments here with rage instead of curiosity. That has been my experience.

      11. Despite the fact that I just offered something that works...and even offered a free session or two to prove it....I will be told that I am abusive and rude and that no one would come to me because of that if for no other reason. Stating facts and being a straight shooter with FMS sufferers is yet another affront to their sensibilities.

      12. I have spent thousands of dollars and hours learning how to help FMS sufferers only to be ridiculed and jeered at by them because their pathology will not allow them to accept healing as a possibility.

      1. Hi Christopher, I published this comment because you took the time to write it and it is about fibromyalgia, even though you are also using it to publicize the link to your hypnotherapy website.

        There are so many fallacies, gross stereotypes and so much just plain bullshit in this comment that I'm not going to take the time to discuss it. I'm pretty sure you won't get any new business from it, though. But thank you for writing.


    16. But fibromyalgia is bullshit. What's the issue? It's perfect little scheme really, the patients get the drugs they crave to feed their addiction and docs get traffic.

      1. Clint,
        If your going to claim that Fibro is B.S., please list some examples of why you think it is ? Just making a statement makes your argument weak.


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