"I'm Thankful" song says it all for me

I'm back from the second root canal in two weeks.  I'm still sleeping a lot and am grateful that I can take the time I need for recovery.

About the song; it says a lot for me, anyway... (If this video is skipping on your computer, or you can't see it in the email of this post, here's the direct link to it:  The Gratitude Song.)

From The Worldwide Gratitude Project , a wonderful project to help us express our gratitude. I'll admit that I have a hard time seeing the good things in my life right now. Any help I can get is much appreciated!  I hope you find something there to help you express your gratiude.


  1. So hard to remember to be thankful in the midst of pain. I try to focus on others (ourshelteringtree.blogspot.com)but it's harder than it looks on the outside. Yet here your are with so many pain causing cronic illnesses and you are giving thanks. Many blessings on you, Sherril.

  2. Thank you, Pamela. It looks like you are doing great work helping others in spite of your pain, which I know is at least as hard to deal with as physical pain. Blessings to you, too.

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  4. Hey Sherril,
    It's been a while since I stopped by, here or anywhere else for that matter. Dealing with the blues....Thanks for posting this song, great song! It is hard sometimes to find things to be thankful for, but when you really get down to it, we are still here! I'm thankful for God and my family, so very thankful for the Bean who I get the pleasure of saying good morning to each and every day. That's enough for me.
    I hope by now your recovered from the dreaded root canals, uck. I get to have all of mine pulled for dentures courtesy of my friend prednisone. ha!
    Have a wonderful day kiddo

  5. I'm grateful for your presence here, and for your sharing of yourself with me, even when you're feeling poorly - and I'm grateful you shared this video pick-me-up, it's wonderful!! The gratitude project is such and upbeat group of folks - they can inspire me right out of a funk sometimes!!
    sending gentle hugs, and hopes for a peaceful, soothing day.
    xox Karin

  6. Thanks so much, Karin! And right back at 'cha - gentle hugs & hopes for a peaceful, soothing string of days, right through the holiday season.

  7. Michelle, Thanks for stopping by, and for the nice comment. I have recovered from the root canals, but then I had to go to a funeral in another state and now it's the holidays... You know how it goes. Hope you come out of the blues soon!

  8. Hey Sherril,
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I accidentally deleted the post that you left your comment on, so it's not there, but i wanted to let you know that I got it, and I appreciate it! lol
    Who knew half of those celebs could sing? haha
    Have a great Christmas
    Michelle xo

  9. Oh, I so hope you are doing ok. My partner with IC had a HEART ATTACK thanks to a hoorid dentist during a root canal. UGH, been a year, she is still recovering.


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