Invisible Illness Week schedule released - and it's really exciting!

Well, it's here: The schedule for the National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week Teleconference, that is. It's a doosy, and I'm not just saying that. Many of the major players in the field of invisible chronic illness are included: Jenni Prokopy of chronic, Laurie Edwards of, Jennifer Jaff of and others that I'm looking forward to hearing from and learning more about.

(The links on the schedule aren't working right now... hopefully they will get that fixed soon.)

Maureen Pratt, who I have quoted before on this blog (Chronic Monday: A patchwork of items on chronic illness and the holidays), and whose book "Peace in the Storm: Meditations on Chronic Pain and Illness" has been on my Amazon Wish List for way too long - time to buy it - will also be speaking and I'm really looking forward to that. Here's a sample of her work:

Keep My Mind Focused on Good Health

O Lord, I find it hard to remember what it was like
to be healthy.
Help me keep my mind focused on good health
and strength.
Let me be positive about the course of treatment
I am undergoing.
And let me always have faith, great faith,
in your presence in my life
and your glory in my health.

And last but not least, the Goodies to Buy are better than ever this year, too. My personal favorite is this black cap sleeve t-shirt that actually comes in sizes for Real Women!


  1. I am new to your blog and have a question about this next week. I don't have sound right now can I still get all the information that will be in the conference?

    I was DXed with Fibro 18 years ago I was 25 at the time and I feel like I really have had it since I was a kid. I have never heard of this tho I take it this isn't the first conference like this and hope by next year I will be able to hear it all.

  2. Hi Candy,

    You should be able to listen to the shows next week if you have an internet connection and a phone. I'm going to do a blog post about it pronto - since the folks at the II Week site seem to be running behind on that... and I put a link to the Blog Talk Radio site on my sidebar, at the very top.

  3. Oh? By Phone? I guess I'll have to figure out how that works but that is good news as I didn't want to miss a thing.

    Do rainy days make you feel worse? They do me and it's a rainy day here.

  4. Rainy days, definitely. When Hurricane Fay was coming towards us (for two weeks, it seemed like!) I felt awful. Something to do with the barometric pressure, I think...


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