Chronic Monday: The New York Times is still using "IS FIBROMYALGIA REAL?" as a headline???!!!, plus the NAMI Peer-to-Peer Outreach Program

Dr. Nortin Hadler's "Mediicalization of Fibromyalgia" theory strikes again. I'll write more on this when I do the final post on the Revolution Health article about "getting over" FM.

Click the link to read the NYT article and to vote.

So far 71,000+ have voted and 1,910 have left comments.

I'm late with Chronic Monday this week because on Sunday I went for a 2 hour drive to take NAMI's Peer-to-Peer nine week Recovery Curriculum. The class was 2 hours, then the 2 hour drive back home. This pushed everything in my life back a couple of days, and I realized late Sunday night that to continue with the course would be pushing myself to "live outside the envelope" as they say on the CFS/FM Self-Help site, for the entire nine weeks and probably beyond that as I worked to get myself back to where I was before starting the class. I'll keep working on it and hope to be able to take the course when it's offered again later this year.

Meantime, here's a video that tells all about it:


  1. It really sucks that they don't offer that class nearer to you. I think you're making the right choice. I think a 4-hour roundtrip each week would be hard on a healthy person, and just about impossible for someone with CF and FM.

    I've struggled with a similar problem with the Living Well with Chronic Illness class offered near me. The drive is easy, but it's 2.5 hours in the mid to late afternoon, and it's just killing me to be pain-med-free for the whole time period. My class is only six weeks, and I had to really drag myself last week for the second class. I'm really questioning whether I'm in too acute of a stage to participate in this class right now or not.

    Anyway, lots of *hugs* for you. It's important to recognize your limits and not make yourself sicker by pushing too hard on them too many times.

  2. Thanks, Aviva. You are really getting a grip on living with CI fast. It's taken me many years to get to where I am now.

    Maybe you could try an online class? I just put the link to the CFS/FM self-help site on this blog post - I meant to do that before I published! They have a great online class that is only $25 including the book (I think). If you decide to do that let me know and I'll try to sign up for the same class. I tried this once before, a couple of years ago. They give people a limit on the length of responses but a several people weren't paying any attention to the limit even after being warned about it, and then nothing else was done about it. I gave up in frustration because the reading was so voluminous. Looking back, I should have spoken up about the people who weren't adhering to the response limit.

    {{{Gentle hugs to you, too.}}}


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