Chronic Monday: Seven Random Things Meme

My new cyber friend, Aviva Brandt, author of the Sick Momma Blog, honored me this week by tagging me for the "7 Random Things" meme. In her link to my page on the ICIE, where she officially "tags" me, she says
"The hardest part of illnesses like mine and so many other people is that we don't look sick so people often don't realize how hard our illnesses hit us. Her (my - Sherril's) blog makes me think about that aspect of my illness. She's also the one who I first saw mention NaBloPoMo, which was a positive experience for me. Mostly."
I think Aviva's blog is excellent, and I don't even have any kids.

This is the first time I've been "tagged." For anyone else out there who doesn't know what some of this stuff means, here's how I got my education on the topic of the "meme."

What IS a Meme???
The Daily Meme definition
The more esoteric Wikipedia definition
And the best explanation imho, from How to Cope With Pain Blog

Oh, OK, one more (this one's funny & rated PG-13) from Raiméis (Irish Gaelic for "nonsense")

So with no further ado, here are seven things you wouldn't necessarily know about me from reading this blog:

1. I like elephants.

2. I collect aprons. Apron Memories

3. The first things I ever wanted to do were to sew and to dance.
Dancing her Prayers, by Shiloh McCloud

4. I used to sell Singer (mostly) sewing machines and accessories in a Jo-Ann's Fabrics store in Denton, Texas.
This looks to be the latest and greatest in cabinets, by Koala.

5. I used to be an Academic Advisor in the College Of Business Administration of the University of North Texas. I can still tell a business major on sight. They usually don't even have to speak.

6. I have a B.A. in Political Science with a minor in Computer Science from the University of North Texas. And lots of Spanish credits. In other words, I'm a hard core arts & sciences person. I spent many a night in this I.S. building running my computer science programs FROM PUNCH CARDS...

unt_isb, originally uploaded by fei2.0.

7. I'm a Unitarian Universalist.
Unitarian Universalist Association

Here's where I tag 7 other people to do the Seven Random Things Meme:

1. Invisible Illness CFIDS/FMS, "Allow yourself to share your experience with this invisible illness and help yourself and others too", because Viv seems like a very nice and interesting person and I'd like to know more about her.

2. Urikalization, computers - biology - philosophy - mythology - physics - math - & science fiction, because this guy is fascinating! And because he was born with that gene that makes him able to arch just one eyebrow at a time...

3. Mad Goat Lady because she's in Australia and she's mad and... English Toy Boy husband, indeed!

4. The Art of Healing Dolls
Cause she's the guru of healing dolls and I believe I've mentioned how very cool I think they are.

5. Chronic Holiday because he is SO FUNNY!

6. Technomadic Packrat because he seems like a really nice guy and I'd like to know more good (or otherwise) stuff about him.

7. 30 Days Clean and Sober because I can't help but wonder about this guy... mostly I wonder if he really one day woke up in a pool of his own urine on his living room floor not for the first time, if he is really a psychologist who during the day helps people deal with addictions but when the last forms are filled out and he shuts the door to his office he is as disturbed as any of patients maybe more so, and if he really overcame severe alcoholism in 30 days as he blogged about it - like he says he did. Or if he's just telling a story. Sorry dude, but I WONDER.

The rules:

1) Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.

2) Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.

3) Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.

4) Let each person know that they have been tagged by sending an email and/or leaving a comment on their blog.


  1. Thanks for tagging me, Sherril... though, now I have my work cut out for me since I don't even think I know that many bloggers well enough to tag them too.

    I'll give it a shot though, especially since you did such a great job of it!

  2. Yah, I know what you mean. And the people I did feel like I knew well enough to tag have been around for so long they've done these things to death so I didn't want to tag them. Maybe it's an opportunity to get to know some folks better... I guess I'll see how it goes!

  3. Thanks for the mention. How do YOU pronounce MEME??? :)

  4. Well, I haven't actually had the opportunity to say the word out loud yet, but in my head it rhymes with "dream."

  5. That's right, it's a long e sound.

    BTW, here's the link, you'll have to let me know how badly I messed up the whole game. ;)

  6. Wow, great job, Sherril. And now I've found a whole bunch more blogs to try to keep up with. And I got to learn a little more about you, too! Thanks so much for participating in it!

    (And wow, I always assumed meme had a short e sound. So I guess I learned something here too!)

  7. Wow, I am soooo slow! Thanks for the tag and the interest. My blogs aren't really set up for this meme. I suppose I've put a bit about me in my Blogger profile and my "Body of Work" site that features my art and some writing about my life with chronic pain, but that's about it for me. I'm not trying to be enigmatic, really!

    I'm glad you tagged me because you brought me to your great blog and now I have others to check out. I have a blogroll on BOW and will definitely add you!

  8. Thank you for responding and I completely understand. This will probably be the only meme I do like this, but I wanted to do one at least.

  9. Thank you for responding and I completely understand. This will probably be the only meme I do like this, but I wanted to do one at least.

  10. Thank you for responding and I completely understand. This will probably be the only meme I do like this, but I wanted to do one at least.


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