Merton's Prayer for Peace
A prayer for Sunday's post seems appropriate. Although I'm getting this post out so late that subscribers might not get it until Monday. Speaking of Monday, I have to have a root canal tomorrow. I forgot about that when I decided to try NaBloPoMo again. I'm not going to try to post tomorrow, which takes me out of the NaBloPoMo competition. I'll have to see how the root canal goes before I decide how often I'm going to try to post for the rest of the month. This Prayer for Peace was written by Thomas Merton , read in Congress on April 18, 1962 and placed in the Congressional Record. It was at the request of Frank Kowalksi, Congressman from Connecticut. In 1962 the Vietnam War was happening, but it seems to be totally applicable here and now. It also seems to me that it's a prayer that might be accepted by most religions. What does this have to do with chronic illness, you might ask? I'll tell you what I think about that at the end of this p...
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