For the one year anniversary of my endo excision surgery...

... I shall share with you this wonderful post about a surgery very similar to mine that happened this month.  But it's from the perspective of the waiting room, by Erin's friend, Marissa.  I'd say she's a very good friend.  The post is hilarious AND it made me cry.  It's great.  Sigh.

Putting the ME in EndoMEtriosis-Part 1

on Erin's Guide to Living Blog

If you've read my blog at all, you know I like to put pictures in my posts.  This is a word picture, but I think it goes.

Erin & Marissa, I hope you're new online friends.  And to all of you out there that I've met online (NOT just Facebook!) since I started blogging in 2007, I'm really, really thankful for you.  Especially since I moved in 2011 and had less than a year to make face to face friends in my new city before I had to start figuring what was wrong with me this time.  It's been a long hard road and I'm not at the end of it yet.  But I know all of you virtual buddies will be there for me.  I'm also super grateful for the closed groups I've found that deal specifically with the health conditions I have to learn about now:  Nancy's Nook Facebook group for Endometriosis Discussion and Education, and happypelvis group on Yahoo.  I really don't know what I'd do if I had to learn about this stuff all alone, and there's literally nothing better than being able to communicate with others who have been or are going through the same thing you are.  Bless y'all and keep y'all.  (Maybe I've been in the south for a decade too many...??)

Peace, out.



  1. Wow - thanks for sharing my blog on your blog, endo sister! Glad you liked the post....I loved it too :)
    And yes, she is an amazing friend!!!


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