Detox the Box: A parody of Justin Timberlake's parody, from Women's Voices for the Earth

I found this on the Beyond Basics Physical Therapy blog. It's a great, fun post about getting mega corporations that make "feminine hygiene" products without any kind of ingredient list anywhere on the label. What's up with that? I mean really!

Why can't we know what's in the products we use?  Makes me think there's some really bad stuff in there. The link and instructions to tell Proctor and Gamble to "detox the boxes" of Tampons and Always are on the Beyond Basics post, and here:

United we stand.  Divided we're going to get more and more sick from all of the toxic chemicals in our environment. 

BTW, the word "fragrance" in any product ingredient list in the U.S. can contain up to 6000 different chemicals, many of them toxic.  Lots of sneaky business going on here.  

We don't HAVE to take this.  I signed the petition to P&G, and I included the address to this blog post.


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