On the 7th anniversary of the ICIE... I'm back!

Today is seven years since I published my first blog post on 5/19/2007, Yay, I'm Blogging!

I haven't published a post on The ICIE since April of 2012 so it seemed fitting that I come back to blogging on my anniversary.  I haven't been writing, but a lot of people have still been reading my existing blog posts; I've been getting hundreds of hits per week the whole time I've been gone! I just love those Blogger/Google stats.

I'll make a long story short as to why I've been absent from the blogging world for two years.  In 2011 I started volunteering at least once a week at our local art center.  I did that for about a year, then I started to work there part time as a staff member.  I became the Volunteer Coordinator in July of 2012.

I had hopes and dreams and the beginnings of plans to ease my way back into the world of full time work, so I wasn't having much time for blogging.  I was moving forward, doing something I loved in a wonderful, creative, historic, community center for the arts.  I loved the work and one big difference between this job and most of my previous professional work was that... it was all about art/happy/fun.  Of course there were the usual office politics and boredom with repetition of tasks etc., but I hadn't had that much fun on the job since I was doing food and beverage service while I was in college.  It was seeming like this might be the thing for me to do.

I've really taken  this Joseph Campbell quote to heart and have been trying hard to walk the walk and thought I was making progress...

On September 5, 2012 I was suddenly hit with another invisible chronic illness.  Of course I didn't know it then but in the coming years I would engage in the struggle of my life against this new illness.  In fact I'm still struggling with it now!  I'll get into the nitty gritty of it all soon... Guess what?  It's quite complicated!  This new illness changed my plans and direction in life once again in a way that I did not choose for myself, and my new plans will also be moving this blog in some new directions.  More on that soon.  Hint: I'm not getting over this one nearly as easily as my last new diagnoses that I wrote about on May 24, 2009 in What do The Tough do when they get ANOTHER ICI diagnosis (or two*)?

For now I'll just say I'm glad to be back and wish myself and my blog Happy Anniversary!

We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.

On September 5, 2012 I was suddenly hit with another invisible chronic illness.  Of course I didn't know it then but in the coming years I would engage in the struggle of my life against this new illness.  In fact I'm still struggling with it now!  I'll get into the nitty gritty of it all soon... Guess what?  It's quite complicated!  This new illness changed my plans and direction in life once again in a way that I did not choose for myself, and my new plans will also be moving this blog in some new directions.  More on that soon.  Hint: I'm not getting over this one nearly as easily as my last new diagnoses that I wrote about on May 24, 2009 in What do The Tough do when they get ANOTHER ICI diagnosis (or two*)?

For now I'll just say I'm glad to be back and wish myself and my blog Happy Anniversary!


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