Bloggers Unite for Fibromyalgia Awareness Day May 12, 2011

Update as of 5/13/11:  

I was out of town for three days; when I returned on 5/11 I discovered that my FM Awareness Day Bloggers Unite Event was no longer accessible.  When I left it was in "Accepted" status and when I returned it was in "Declined" status.

This is my best guess as to what happened.  An anonymous blogger organized a
FM Awareness Day Bloggers Unite Event in 2009.  She disappeared after that event and there was no event in 2010.  I could not find any way to contact the person who did the event in 2009 to ask her about it so I applied for a new FMAD event with BU in my own name and was accepted.  At some point after my event was accepted, the original person came back and reactivated her 2009 FM Awareness Day Bloggers Unite Event for 2011.  For awhile both events by different people were online at the same time but now my event has been "declined" and is no longer accessible.

My guess is that there can only be one event per topic and since hers was older, mine got dumped.

Kind of discouraging, but I've encouraged everyone to sign their blog post up to participate on the other event at

Just wanted to let you all know about this, and be sure to check out the Bloggers Unite FM Awareness Day posts at  There are some good ones.

Original post:

May 12 is Fibromyalgia Awareness Day, a worldwide effort to bring together people who live with fibromyalgia and those who love them. The National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association is asking bloggers to join together in support of Fibromyalgia Awareness Day by publishing a blog post about fibromyalgia on May 12.  For more information or to sign up go to


  1. Love you're website. Just added myself as a follower. I, too, am a fibromyalgia survivor. I also have CFS, CMP, IBS, and a host of other disorders/diseases. I recently started a blog chronicling my journey with these diseases, focusing primarily on the fibro. I plan on posting a blog entry just like this one. You're very organized and informative (though reading your credentials, I can see why!) Thank you for what you do with this blog. People like you are invaluable and inspirational.

  2. Hey There,
    Been enjoying reading through your work. Thank you. I also have chronic pain / fms/ no one seems sure!! But I know I hurt and struggle more than I don't. I have recently started writing about all in my life @The Nearly Dream. Hope you are having a good day today. Bestest, Nearly. :)

  3. Thanks, Nearly! I'll be sure to check your blog out.

  4. Jason, Thank you so much! I might just print your comment out and carry it around with me to read during low moments. Good luck with your new blog; I look forward to checking it out.

  5. SSRI treatment of fibromyalgia is a common medical practice but can have some undesirable side-effects including sleep problems, anxiety reactions, headaches, nausea, and weight gain, to name a few.

    d3 5000 benefits


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