Speak Out and Take This Survey on Invisible Illnesses and Hidden Disabilities

Source: InvisibleIllnessWeek.com.  I added the emphasis.
Laura Brydges, B.A.Sc., M.A., and Jennifer Martin, PhD, Industrial/Organizational Psychology have put together a survey about invisible disabilities and have asked those involved with National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week to be involved!

These women bring their personal experiences of having disabilities together with more than 30 years of research and health communication expertise. They began a group last year on Facebook called “Hidden Disability” and now have launched an invisible illness and hidden disability survey that asks some very important questions about disability. It is a secure and confidential English-language survey that will give adults everywhere their chance to share their opinions on some new disability issues.

The survey is the result of advocacy efforts of two women who both have disabilities. They have funded this research through garage sales, and are relying on word-of-mouth for this survey to reach as many people world-wide as possible. So please forward this message onto all of your contacts, friends and family, and ask them to take part too.

The survey should only take 15 to 20 minutes to do.

It took me more like a half hour to take the survey.  They have six proposed international symbols for Hidden Disability that you get to give your opinion on.  I think it would be good to have an international symbol and a card or something to carry with me in case I needed to quickly prove that I am disabled.

Laura Brydges, B.A. Sc., M.A., has won Canadian awards as a journalist, health professional, and media researcher. Now retired due to injuries resulting from a car accident in 2005, she wants to turn her experiences with disability into something positive for others living with disabilities.

Jennifer Martin, PhD. Industrial/Organizational Psychology, brings more than 15 years of experience conducting research for publication, consulting in government and private industry, and teaching at various universities and colleges in the United States.


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