The Fibromyalgia Wellness Project: A research project by Coolinge and Associates - it's free and it might help

"Welcome to the Fibromyalgia Wellness Project, a research study sponsored by the National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), National Institutes of Health. This project is conducted by Collinge and Associates, an independent research organization directed by William Collinge, PhD. The project is now inviting participation by people living with fibromyalgia."

This is helping me, when I remember to make the daily entries!

You will need to allow a little time to get signed up, and then a little more for the learning curve on how to use the website. But it's pretty intuitive and easy to learn.


  1. tour pot is great .
    this is really gonna help people to know more abouit this Fibromyalgia willness project.

    thanks for your post

    i'll spread it.


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