Another update on Whitcomb: Even when it's over, it's not over

Dan Brady, a former chiropractor at Whitcomb's FM Relief Center who testified on Whitcomb's behalf at the hearing to consider revoking his license, has opened the Integrated Wellness Center & Spa. They have a Fibromyalgia Treatment Program; I can't tell if it's related to Whitcomb's technique or not, but others who have experienced Whitcomb's technique seem to think it is.

Whitcomb is now TEACHING the technique that helped get his chiropractic license revoked. It has been renamed Neurologic Relief Center Technique (NRCT). There's an excellent review of the patient portion of a workshop given by Whitcomb, by Dannette Mason Rusnak of FibroHaven blog, "Follow up on Dr. Whitcomb & NRCT."

Dannette was invited to attend the patient portion of the workshop by an acupuncturist who paid for a day and a half training session with Whitcomb. His training session was followed by an hour long lecture by Whitcomb for the patients, after which the patients broke off with the practitioner who invited them to be tested to see if the technique would benefit them. It's very interesting reading, and there has been a spirited discussion going on in the comments section of the FibroHaven blog including many comments by a chiropractor who is currently using and recommending Whitcomb's technique.

Whitcomb has also started a Wordpress blog, Paul Whitcomb, DC.


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