Shoes: "Those Shoes" from The Long Run album by the Eagles, "Cruel Shoes" on Victoria Beckham, and My Shoes

God knows, you're lookin' good enough,
but you're so smooth and the world's so rough.
You might have somethin' to loose.
Oh, no, pretty mama, what you gonna
do in those shoes.

Got those pretty little straps around your ankles
Got those shiny little chains around your heart.
You got to have your independence
but you don't know just where to start.

Desperation in the singles bars
an' all those jerkoffs in their fancy cars.
you can't believe your reviews.

Oh, no, you can't do that,
once you started wearin' those shoes...

complete lyrics for "Those Shoes" by The Eagles at

Check out Victoria Beckham in those CFM* shoes, with that big, honkin' bunion!!!

I mean really, that sucker's black and blue! That's one of the blessings in disguise about Fibromyalgia that I've been able to come up with: If I let my bunion get that bad I would feel like I was crippled; FM keeps me from letting anything physical get too bad, because it hurts me way more than it would a normal person.

Thanks to Kirsten Borrink for turning me on to the whole cruel shoes thing. She blogged about cruel shoes, picture and song, on Tuesday at Barking Dogs Shoes: Steve Martin's "The Cruel Shoes". Hilarious. Her blog is a most excellent resource for shoes, especially if you have any type of foot problem and you don't care for orthotic-looking shoes, i.e. if you still like CUTE shoes!

She turned me on to these Dansko Professional Clogs at, for less than half price, and they're a dress shoe I can wear in spite of that pesky bunion for which my podiatrist just told me I should always wear tightly laced tennis shoes for my every day shoes (now I have to change my whole wardrobe to sweats and scrubs - I will NOT be seen in tennies and a dress, ever! But I guess it's worth it to avoid surgery for as long as possible...) -

Yes, they're brown crushed velvet... um, why do you think they were on super-sale? I love them, but I'll wear a lot of things other people wouldn't...

So I was able to try the shoe out at a much reduced rate and now I know they work for me. Yay! They even "reduce torque", which can be caused by a bunion when it gets big and painful enough to alter the way your foot rolls, among other technical benefits and features; but what I like best is that they make me six feet tall. Smile.

*CFM - Come Fuck Me


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