Summary of How to File a Complaint Against Paul Whitcomb, D.C.

I've put together a summary of blog posts that I've been doing on Whitcomb and on what to do about him. If you have any questions I'll be glad to try to answer them, but Dr. Barrett, of Quackwatch, is the expert. He seemed really nice when I talked to him on the phone about Whitcomb. If you just send him an email with your question I'm sure he will answer you asap.

This is Dr. Barrett's excellent advice on how to file a complaint against a chiropractor:

Prepare three copies. Send one to the agency that licenses chiropractors in the state the chiropractor practices in.

2525 Natomas Park Drive, Suite 260
Sacramento, CA 95833
Attn: Enforcement Unit

Indicate that a copy has been sent to the state attorney general so that the board knows that an outside agency is aware of the complaint.

Send the second copy to the state attorney general, but don't indicate that a copy has been sent to the licensing board. (If you do, the attorney general's office might ignore it.)

Attorney General's Office
California Department of Justice
Attn: Public Inquiry Unit
P.O. Box 944255
Sacramento, CA 94244-2550

Send the third copy to Quackwatch, P.O. Box 1747, Allentown, PA 18105 and be sure to include your e-mail address.

Dr. Barrett also said if anyone feels uncomfortable filing the complaint themselves, they can send their firsthand experiences with Paul Whitcomb and The Fibromyalgia Relief Centers to Quackwatch. When there are enough of the right kind of testimonials submitted, he can coordinate legal action. The instructions on how to report a fraud to Quackwatch are reprinted below, and the link is here.

If you have been victimized, reporting your experience to us may enable us to help you or help protect others. All information sent to us will be held in strict confidence if that is your wish. However, it is far more useful for us to be able to share that information within our anti-quackery network, bring it to the attention of a law-enforcement agency, or post it so others can learn from your experience. To report to us, please send the following information by e-mail:

To Report a Personal Experience
  • Include your name, age, address, work and home telephone numbers.
  • Provide a detailed account of what happened to you that includes:
    • Dates or approximate dates that the events occurred
    • Name and location of perpetrator
    • Pertinent health history, including problem for which you sought help
  • What would you like us to do with the information?
    • Post your story to one of our sites. That usually requires inclusion of your name.
    • Forward your story to a regulatory agency
    • Try to help you recover money
    • Help you file a lawsuit
    • Give your name to a reporter who might want to interview you

If you want to contact the Board of Chiropractic Examiners directly, this is the contact info I was given when I requested copies of any complaints against Whitcomb. (They wouldn't give me any information. I know that people have filed complaints against Whitcomb. I don't understand how the Board of Examiners can get away with this.)

April Alameda, Program Analyst

Board of Chiropractic Examiners

(916) 263-5329

I hope you decide to step forward. I think Dr. Whitcomb's time is coming. If you want to keep me informed of what's going on I would be very interested, and will keep all information confidential unless you give me permission to publish it online.


  1. "Dr. Whitcomb's Fibromyalgia Treatment -
    He's a Fraud!"


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