
Showing posts from June, 2009

Feeling “Like the Dog…”

Lately I've been dealing with lots of animal issues in addition to my ICI issues: Foster dog Miley has FINALLY gone to a great home in the country where she won't get run over while she's out running fast, which is her favorite thing to do; fourteen year old best friend Bear is dying and we're doing all we can to make his last days comfortable; and I picked up a beautiful marble cat at the BP station yesterday and brought her home before she got run over in all the traffic (no photo yet). Our local Humane Society is in its beginning stages of development and they don't even have a building yet so I guess I'll be fostering this kitty now. I'm calling her BP - because of where I found her, and because I think the name Bonnie Pearl suits her. So when I found this great article today that links our pet's instincts with our ICI plights and also spreads the word about National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareess Week (September 14-20, 2009), I just ...